In-Studio Session Terms and Conditions

  1. In addition to the policies stated on this website, the terms and conditions also apply but not limited to the students who attend workshops and events at AJ Studio in person.

    We operate on a first paid first served basis. Spaces are limited and fill up very quickly so please book early. Bookings close as numbers are reached. Please book either online or through social networks at least 24 hours prior to the day you would like your child to attend the program.

  2. The programme runs from 8:00am to 5:30pm. Pick up after 5:30pm incurs a charge of $20 per 15 minutes or part thereof—to help cover the cost of a supervisor.

  3. If there are occasions when it would be helpful for you to drop off your child at 7:30am, please arrange this with the office before enrolling your child to ensure that there are supervisors to care for your child/ren between 7:30am and 8:00am. A surcharge of $20 for this service, to cover the cost of a supervisor.

  4. Please sign your child/ren in and out every day. This is an important safety procedure to ensure all children are accounted for at all times

  5. Please ask your child/ren to leave their valuables at home as neither the programme nor the staff can take responsibility for them if they are broken or lost.

  6. Your child will need to bring their own morning and afternoon tea, packed lunch and drink bottle in a bag they are comfortable carrying, no nuts please. Please do not send instant noodles, or money to buy lunch, as we cannot facilitate this and we do not want your child to go hungry.

  7. Medical conditions: please notify us via e-mail of any medical conditions that requires medicine or possible emergency treatments. Please be specific.

  8. Please notify us of any behavioural condition that we need to be aware of.

  9. AJ Studio reserves the right to exclude from the Programme children whose behaviour prejudices the safety or health of others. Please refer to out Code of Acceptable Behaviour.

  10. Please drop your child/ren off by 9:00am for them to start the program on time. Please be on time to avoid them missing out and feeling sad for the day. We endeavour to have children finish all their projects by 12:00 for Little Lab™ projects, and 4:00pm for Little Atelier™ projects. 

  11. Please ensure that your children have the comfortable clothing and footwear for the day, some materials we use during the day, although non-toxic, may be hard to wash off. Please understand our staffs are there to teach and help your child/ren to have fun, they cannot help with change of clothes.

  12. Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary to change the activities in the programme due to events beyond our control e.g. bad weather. We reserve the right to do this without prior notification but we will provide as much notice as possible.

  13. Refund policy: 100% with 2 weeks notice. 50% with more than 2 days notice. No refund if: (1) less than 48 hours—this is not enough time to fill the space, (2) in the event your child is removed from the programme, all remaining fees are forfeited. Any refund due will be issued after the holiday programme.

  14. Children dropped off on a day when they do not have a confirmed booking will attract a $25 penalty in addition to normal programme fees—to help cover the cost of a supervisor


Code of Acceptable Behaviour


When a child is enrolled in the programme they will be guided through the

 'boundaries' of the Studio:


Be Safe 

Be Caring

Be Respectful


These boundaries, and what they mean in day-to-day life at the Studio, will be discussed every day.

When a child strays from these boundaries staff will:


Remind the child of the boundaries and discuss with them how they are affecting themselves and others by not adhering to them. For example: o Arguments are not acceptable - they need to be resolved with staff help.


  • Deliberately ignoring Supervisors’ instructions that may cause distress or put the group at risk is not allowed.

  • Running indoors, swearing, spitting, shouting etc will not be accepted.

  • Bullying, name-calling, talking unkindly about other children in the programme and excluding children from groups will not be tolerated.

  • Careless damage of property and/or equipment is not acceptable and such breakages are to be replaced by parents/caregivers.

  • Being rude or disrespectful to staff will not be accepted.

  • Play fight is forbidden at AJ Studio.

  • Putting yourself and/ or others at risk (e.g. ignoring Supervisors instructions when using oven for clay works or hot clue gun) is not permissible.


Serious or repeated cases of the unacceptable behaviours listed above will be recorded and we will follow the 3 warnings system:

1st Warning: child warned, behaviour incident form completed, parents and management notified;

2nd warning: child warned, behaviour incident form completed, parents notified, meet with staff and management arranged to discuss how best to proceed and avoid future incidents.

3rd and final warning: parents notified, behaviour incident form completed, child suspended from next appointment at the Studio.

E-mail: Phone number: 021 2959 661


The warning (1st, 2nd or both) will be voided after 6 consecutive weeks of significant improvement in the child’s behaviour.


If a child gets suspended 3 times (9 warnings in total) in a short period of time, they will be asked to leave Little Lab™ and Little Atelier™ permanently.


Physical aggression or verbal hostility is not tolerated under any circumstances and the child will be immediately suspended if they deliberately and/or intentionally:


  • Punch, kick, slap, bite, push or hit ( including use of objects that can cause injury) another person.

  • Verbally abuse and humiliate another person by: name calling with intention to offend; racist, specific belittling comments towards another person’s religion, culture, customs, appearance or habits;

  • Same rules apply to retaliation, all children are encouraged to bring the matter to the Supervisors on duty not to take matters into their hands.


Please note: suspension will incur normal Holiday Program fees as it disrupts our operations. At all times staff will be fair and consistent with all children.


Please reinforce our policies with your children. We will CLEARLY communicate our boundaries to ALL children EVERY day. 


Lastly, we know that the days can be long, busy and tiring! Please reassure your child that the Supervisors can be approached at all times if they get upset, angry, or have any issues that they cannot resolve.

When enrolling your child at AJ Studio you agree to support them in accepting, understanding and achieving this level of behaviour.


Our policies have been put in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children and staff. Since the warning system was implemented we have noticed a dramatic decrease in number of incidents involving children behaving aggressively towards one another.