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Mar 18 / AJ Studio

Make Something "Terrible" with Us

Workshop Update

It's never about the pieces.

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Pippi Longstock, oil on canvas, Mia Zhou, Jan 2024

"The physicist Isidor Isaac Rabi on the importance of good questions (and good mothers):

“My mother made me a scientist without ever intending to.

Every other Jewish mother in Brooklyn would ask her child after school: ‘So? Did you learn anything today?’

But not my mother.
‘Izzy,’ she would say, ‘did you ask a good question today?’ That difference — asking good questions — made me become a scientist."
Empty space, drag to resize

-“Great Minds Start With Questions” in Parents Magazine. Sep, 1993

The holiday program is usually the busiest time at the studio. It starts blooming with ideas and giggles as early as 8:15 am when the studio opens its doors for early birds. The early drop-off is already included for those enrolled in our full-day program.

Some students eagerly asked questions, while our tutors kept the juiciest details hidden, saving them for the grand start at 9.30am.

Some busy creative geniuses arrive around this time after their morning sports training. Questions and investigations: We ask big, bold, yet simple questions about things least likely to be discussed in a normal school setting. Why? Because that's what our kids are interested in!

It's always a hands-on learning experience for all projects; we investigate through coding, inventions, and scientific experimentation, as well as paint and brushes! "But I don't know how to. I've never done that before." You might hear a hesitant voice. And to that, the tutors always respond with unwavering encouragement, reminding everyone that it is okay to start from the unknown and the unfamiliar. The studio is a safe place to be terrible at things. Your imperfection is not only accepted but celebrated! We serve as your safety net. This is a concept many kids sometimes have a hard time grasping, as "doing well" is the standard to strive for in school settings; here, we ask everyone to make something terrible first. Then, the self-discovery journey begins. It's a sight to behold when the breakthrough arrives; the child's face lights up, and freedom and liberation empower their ideas to spark. The take-home work is only a token to remember the precious moment when they conquered their own mountains.

It's never about the works, never has been, never will be, but that sense of I can, I will, I do, and I did it! We hope to see you this April holiday program. Come make something "terrible" with us, and witness how we can transform it into something uniquely ours and memorable together!

Holiday Program Art Session

Art 301™ Students experimenting with Cyanotype

Holiday Program Lab Coding Session

Featured Workshop

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