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Jul 24 / AJ Studio

Making Impossible Things, Possible 🔑

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Workshop Update

Making Impossible Things, Possible 🔑

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2024 Term 3 Animated Promo for Term 3, Digital Animation, Alice Yoon, AJ Studio

During our holiday programme today, we explored the idea of secret agents by inventing characters, storytelling, and designing gadgets. One newcomer asked, "Can I copy your drawing?" I responded, "Sure, but how about you borrow my idea and make it your own by giving it a new name or a new costume? Or even better, make it look completely different?" The child seemed to embrace this. When it was time to create a second character, the student was unsure again.

Students' Works

I suggested, "How about a broccoli as a special agent?" Many kids were shocked. "What? That’s impossible," someone gasped. "But isn’t that the point of art and technology? Making impossible things, possible?" I said.

Children deserve to learn in an environment that inspires curiosity and nurtures imagination. After all, isn’t that the point of learning? To give them an idea of what their dreams could look like, to show them what problems they might be interested in solving, and to help them face reality fearlessly. We want them to embrace creativity rather than fear it, to take risks, and to grow up without labelling themselves as uncreative, like many adults do. In today’s world, our children need to imagine, dream, and cook up new ways of innovation more than ever.

Join us this week for the last week of our holiday programme if you are still on a break and unsure what to do. Or, try our Term 3 art and lab programmes and gift your child a chance to be silly, to laugh, and to make impossible things, possible.

Holiday Program

Holiday Program Art Session

Art 301™ Students experimenting with Cyanotype

Holiday Program Lab Coding Session

Featured Workshop

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