They say it takes a village to raise a kid. What do you do today when mums and dads are both at work, and the entire town is busy?

Where the Wild Things Are, Sculpture, AJ Studio
You pick a holiday program or what people call out-of-school care. But is it just babysitting we want as parents? We certainly want more. We want them to learn, to have fun, to learn, and yes, to have more fun, and yes, learning, too. What's the best possible way here?

Camping Under the Northern Lights, Acrylics on Paper, Isaac Yoon, July 2022
The holiday program AJ Studio offers to seek fun. So fun that will keep our Wild Things talking non-stop about what they have learnt, tried, and done throughout the day.
All holiday program learning content is accessible via the AJ Studio learning app to keep our parents in the loop. Extra after-program activities through our website or app are just a start.

Students busy creating their own games at Creative Lab™ time.
We get emails from parents telling us how much they appreciate our lessons. The children's eyes lit up again with curiosity, wanting to learn more.
And yes, there's a treaty too at the Studio. It is pretty simple. If you try more, we will help you more. Congratulations if you are doing your best and still find the projects challenging. That's just how we roll at AJ Studio.

Matilda,Oil on canvas, Emily Zhu, July 2022
You are here to be challenged, know you can do more, stay curious, have fun, make new friends, and create, and invent with more than just a paintbrush.

Artists taking a tea break after busy painting.